Nieder Farms Awarded Competitive Grant from the Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) Program
Nieder Farms receives over $14,500 for a two-year sustainable, community-focused farming project
Nieder Farms, a family farm located in Krakow, Missouri, was recently selected as a North Central SARE grant recipient. Nieder Farms will use $14,874 in grant funds to support three objectives: build and strengthen relationships in the local Franklin County farmer community; experiment and offer insight into how local farms can increase profitability; and transition the farm to sustainable, regenerative, practices and educate others how to do the same.
For more than 40 years, Michael Nieder has ensured that Nieder Farms continued through a fourth - and now fifth - generation. Having bred, raised, and maintained what is now a herd of over 65 Black Angus cattle, he welcomed his daughter, Trisha Nieder, her husband, Daniel Gonzalez, and their two young sons back to Missouri with the intention to continue the farm’s legacy.
“After moving away and living in various cities for the last 20 years, it became apparent how special our town, community, and farm really is,” said Trisha Nieder. “Each time I’d visit with my family, our favorite memories were on the farm. While it’s exciting to see so much growth in our community, it’s sad to see family farms being sold for commercial properties or subdivisions. What we have in Franklin County is very special, and those family farms are becoming more and more rare across the U.S. My husband and I not only wanted to come back to continue our own farm, but also hopefully inspire and help some others to do the same.”
With 140 proposals submitted to the North Central SARE region, Nieder Farms was one of 42 proposals selected for funding. It is the only cow/calf-focused farm grant of its kind in Missouri that has been awarded in over 30 years. Nieder Farms plans to use grant funds in a few ways:
Build & Strengthen Relationships in the Local Farmer Community
To inspire a new generation of farmers, Nieder Farms plans to partner with 4H to host experiential education workshops to teach sustainable (environmental and economic) farm practices first-hand. Using what they’ve learned over the course of the two-year grant, the team will also develop a “startup guide” offering resources, steps, and tips geared to local cattle farmers. Nieder Farms hopes to partner with local organizations to distribute the guides, and will be promoting the free guide online.
Share Insights on How to Increase Farm Profitability
Nieder Farms will transition to management intensive grazing as a way to increase herd grazing days and save on diesel, hay, and corn costs as well as cut labor hours. Additionally, the farmer family will introduce pasture raised poultry as well as plant a fruit orchard for future revenue opportunities. The team will document the two-year process, and offer insights, steps, and support so others can do the same.
Demonstrate the Value of Sustainable Farming Practices
By effectively incorporating new grazing practices, Nieder Farms hopes to better fertilize, control grass growth cycles, and manage weeds without the use of any chemicals. The farm will introduce native varieties to diversify grasses, support soil health, and increase nutrients for cattle, and plant native fruit trees - such as pawpaw, elderberry, apple, and others - to begin building a foundation for a diverse ecosystem. Pasture raised poultry will play a role in fertilization and pest control, and be moved to fresh grass daily to ensure ongoing soil support, lower feed costs, and higher quality meat.
“I was impressed the first time I visited Washington and Krakow,” said Daniel Gonzalez, a Miami, FL native. “For us, this grant isn’t just about carrying on Nieder Farms; it’s about showing people how valuable farms are. Knowing where your food comes from; passing by the farms each day and seeing it right there; having kids visit, learn, and be inspired; keeping money local and spurring even more community growth - that’s what this is all about, and what excites us.”
The North Central Region SARE (NCR-SARE) is one of four regional offices that run the Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) program, a nationwide grants and education program to advance sustainable innovation to American agriculture. NCR-SARE offers competitive grants and educational opportunities for producers, scientists, educators, institutions, organizations, and others exploring sustainable agriculture in America’s Midwest. Their mission is to strengthen communities, increase farmer/rancher profitability, and improve the environment by supporting research and education.
To learn more about Nieder Farms, inquire about how to get involved, or to place a beef order, visit and follow us at @NiederFarms on Instagram.
About Nieder Farms
Nieder Farms is a family owned farm in Krakow, Missouri that specializes in raising purebred Black Angus cattle. Established in the 1870s by Joseph Nieder, Nieder Farms has been the home to a variety of livestock and poultry for more than 140 years and four generations. Since our start as a family homestead, the Nieder family has hosted chickens, turkeys, pigs, sheep, and cattle. The milk house still stands as a tribute to the farm’s dairy history, when Holsteins roamed the fields. Now, home to more than 100 Black Angus cattle, Nieder Farms specializes in pasture-raised Angus beef.
Trisha Nieder